Well, it's nice to meet
a satisfied customer.
How about Patroni?
TANYA: Highway Patrol's
bringing him in.
-How long before he's here?
-Half an hour.
Good. Now l'll have
that sandwich.
l'm starving. l haven't eaten
since about--Oh, l'm sorry.
TANYA: No, don't go away.
l'd like you to meet
Mrs. Quonsett,
the stowaway
l was talking about before.
This is Mr. Bakersfeld,
General Manager of the airport.
Well, how do you do?
lt's a pleasure to meet
someone so important.
Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
Don't go.
Come sit with us.
Have a cup of coffee
and a sandwich.
Perhaps Mr. Bakersfeld could
impress upon Mrs. Quonsett...
that this isn't
a nice thing to do.
Mrs. Livingston
hasn't been able to.
Uh, yes.
Uh...uh, Mrs. Quonsett,
uh, what you've done
is, uh, is dishonest.
You've broken the law.
You defrauded Trans Global.
They can prosecute you.
But they wouldn't, would they?
lt wouldn't be very good
public relations to prosecute
a little old lady because she
wanted to visit her daughter.
-May l have one?
-Well, sure.
On the plane, the beef
was a little too well done,
and the salad dressing
had garlic in it.
You should tell them, my dear,
that very often elderly people
can't tolerate garlic.
Gives them gas.
Well, l'll certainly mention it
to our chef. Thank you.
Not at all.
TANYA: Look, Mrs. Quonsett,
since you've had so much
free travel from Trans Global,
at least you could tell us
how you get aboard.
Well, l use many methods, but l
like to be in the airport...