l'm sorry, madam.
Check everything else
very carefully.
lnspect the lining
of the bags and the cases.
-Make a list.
-Yes, sir.
Sorry, fella.
l'd like to change that
declaration, please, officer.
l beg of you.
My husband will--
OFFlCER: Madam, please sit down.
This might take some time.
When will they learn?
The duty would have been
1/10 of the fine.
You are amazing. l never
would have suspected her.
Well, after 30 years,
you kind of know.
First l look in their eyes,
then the luggage.
Thanks for coming.
Now, may l ask you
another favor?
lf you want me to smuggle
anything, the answer is no.
No. My sister's girl,
Judy Barton,
will be on your number two
flight to Rome tonight.
Can she have a window seat?
-l'm sure of it.
-Oh, uh, Mrs. Livingston.
Will it get off on time?
Flight two, the Golden Argosy,
will depart for Rome
on schedule.
Good. Fine. Thank you.