
l hope we got a new one.
They even replaced the wiring
to be on the safe side.

That's the side l like.
What's the matter?
The last time
you checked me out,

you marked me for not wearing
a regulation shirt.

l was hoping to get even.
Not a chance.
Knowing how tough you can be,

tonight l even polished
my wings.

Thanks, fellas!
l tried to get more help, Joe,
but l only got 20 men.

l did a little phoning
from my car. l got 50.

Where'd you get them from?
Braniff, Delta, Continental.
We're not like
those front office stiffs...

who wear ties and steal
passengers from each other.

Maintenance--it's like a circus.
One of us gets in trouble,
they all come running.

Let's go. l got a beautiful dame
waiting for me.

[People talking]
We should be above this
in about 20 minutes. Let's hope.

-Forget something?

Just checking the Rome weather.
lt's not too cold and sunny.

As usual, l've brought
the wrong clothes.

-l don't have a thing to wear.

l'll have this mother out
by midnight, so stop worrying.

The party starts at 12:01.
l'll settle for a box of cigars.
See you later.

You keep leaning
on that shovel, Jack,

you're going to freeze solid
like Lot's wife.

We want to move this airplane
before it becomes obsolete.

The way you guys keep
heading for this bus...

looks like you got a broad
stashed in there!

Out! Everybody out!
