
-l had to go out in the field.
-We got trouble, Mel.

l talked to the lawyer
for those Meadowood people,

and he says
unless we stop planes...

from taking off
over their houses by midnight,

he's starting a damage suit...
first thing in the morning
for $10 million.

That's a nice round figure.
He hasn't got a prayer.

He might not win,
but he can sue.

Any legal action
will only make...

our public relations
worse than they already are,

and that's something
the other commissioners and l...

don't want to risk.
What do you propose to do
about it?

Well, there's only one answer--
shut down runway 22...

and cut out the noise
over Meadowood.

And with two-niner out,
that means closing down
the airport completely.

Only until morning.
After all, you've promised them
dozens of times...

you wouldn't disturb
their sleep.

l promised we wouldn't take off
over their houses...

unless there was an emergency,
and l promised them
something else:

ln the foreseeable future,
the noise problem would not
get any better.

lf you don't want to spend
a couple of months in court,

you better start
conning them a little.

You think lying to them
is the answer?

Oh, Mel.
There's your answer.
A modern expanded airport
big and efficient enough...

to take anything
the designers can throw at us.

That means buying off

and rezoning it
for industrial use...

so the noise won't make
any difference.

l didn't come here to talk
about the future of aviation.

Well, you better start,
and you better start
looking ahead a few years.

What are we going to do...
about these jumbos
that seat 500 passengers?

How will we get people
to and from the airport?

Save that for the women's clubs
and the Rotary luncheons.

We've got to be practical.
Sure, sure, ignore it.
Don't stick your neck out.

lt's about time that you
and the other commissioners...

began fighting
for a bond issue...

to finance this kind
of an airport...

instead of running around...
checking to see
if the toilets flush.

l don't think insulting me is
going to solve anything,

so let's get back
to our immediate problem.

We've got to make a decision
about tonight!

l've made it.
The airport's staying open.

Mel, stop being so bullheaded.
Think of the consequences.

Don't talk to me
about consequences.

When Congress voted to cut
airport appropriations,
