But--but don't go away.
You will stay right here
like you did before, won't you?
Oh, certainly.
l'll stay right here.
Perhaps you're right.
You better get a doctor.
Of course, right away.
But don't worry.
l'll be all right.
There's an attendant in there.
She'll take care of you.
l won't be a minute.
Thank you.
Uh, that is E-R-O.
And what amount policy were you
considering, Mr. Guerrero?
Uh, 150,000.
-That will be $5.00.
-Yes, l know.
But for $2.50 more,
you could take out 225,000.
lt isn't much extra
for all that protection.
l don't know
if l have that much left--
American money. l exchanged
all my dollars to lira.
Oh, we accept foreign currency.
Yeah, well, l've got that
all in big bills.
We'll take a personal check
if you like.
No. When l go to Europe,
l always leave my checkbook
at home.
You know, it's too much
of a temptation.
Oh, wait a minute.
l may have enough.
l didn't mean to push you,
but we're having
a sales contest,
and l've got a chance
for the prize.
Every little bit helps.
Yeah. Could you
hurry that up, please?
They've already
called my flight.
Oh, just the first call.
You still have time.
But l distinctly asked
for the fourth row.