Our route tonight will take us
over Toronto, Montreal,
Cape Ray, St. John,
across the Atlantic,
reaching the European coastline
just north of Lisbon,
and on into Rome
on schedule.
The weather in Rome
is a lot better...
than what we left behind
in Chicago.
lf there's anything we can do to
make your flight more enjoyable,
please let us know.
Thank you.
This is Global two.
Flight two, Cleveland.
l have a message from Lincoln.
Advise when ready to copy.
Go ahead, Cleveland.
We're ready.
Practically certain
you have a stowaway on board--
approximately five feet,
100 pounds...
age about 70...
wearing a brown hat
with a brown pompom,
tweed coat with black
velvet collar.
Name--Mrs. Ada Quonsett.
Determine and confirm.
We'll check and advise.
-l don't believe it.
-Oh, l believe it.
Those penguins on the ground
are idiots.
Now the guy in 21D
says it's too hot.
You want a laugh?
Have you seen her?
Well, she's not in first.
l've hardly checked
the tourist section yet.
Well, go back and see
if the old biddy's there, huh?
lf so, what do l do?
Nothing. Just come back
and report.
How about that, huh?
Little old lady just walks on...
like she's walking
into an elevator.
Excuse me.
There you are.
WOMAN: Miss, the captain said
we'd arrive on schedule.