
That means we'll make up
for the hour's delay.

Father, with a ground speed
of 620 miles per hour

and a distance of 4,817 miles,
it's a physical impossibility.
Your son is right.
The captain was referring to
scheduled flying time.

lt will be approximately
7 1/2 hours from takeoff.

Oh, excuse me.
GWEN: Oh, l see
you've got a boyfriend.

Yes. He's invited me
to Rome to a nightclub.

Miss! Miss!
These nuts are stale.

GWEN: l'm sorry. l'll try
and find you some fresher ones.

MAN: $474, and they
give you stale nuts.

So you play the oboe.
My late husband played
the violin.

Not professionally,
but he was very good.

He once played the
"FMinute Waltz"F in 58 seconds.

-There you are.
-Thank you so much.

-Nuts to the man in 21D.
-You said it.

May l treat you
to another sherry?

Oh, no, really.
One is all l ever--

Well, thank you.
You're very kind.

She's there, all right. 23B.
That's why the head count
was wrong.

What should l do?
Nothing. lf you start
questioning her now,

there's bound to be tears, and--
We were asked to check
and report, that's all.

They'll grab her in Rome,
so until then,

why make the old girl miserable?
You know, Captain,
you're a real nice person.
