Ex-husbands always seem to make
a special effort.
[Telephone ringing]
Hang on a sec.
Ned, l'll be right with you.
OK, Hank. Go ahead.
Yes. That's all right.
Put it in warehouse 12.
Well, get the trucks out.
They're not supposed to
be blocking that area. Right.
[Hangs up]
What's up, Ned?
No, no, no, no.
Let the city police handle it.
Now, you stay right here.
l'll just be a minute.
TANYA: The downtown terminal
said they remembered...
a man
with an attaché case.
They must have seen 10 men
with attaché cases.
But this one held it
under his arm.
When the agent tried
to put a tag on it,
he pulled away and insisted on
putting it on himself.
That's why they remembered him.
And it was Guerrero.
l can't get anything
out of his wife,
except a blank stare.
Maybe you can make her talk.
Please try. l have
a horrible feeling.
All right. Bring her in.
Mrs. Guerrero?
She's gone.
Hold it. Yes, sir?
Remember the woman you
turned over to Mrs. Livingston?
She's given us the slip. She's
probably still in the terminal.
You've got to find her, Ned.
We'll try. Will you
round up our boys?