
is something you got to see
to believe.

-He'll get sucked out, won't he?
-So will anybody next to him.

Until that pressure equalizes,
everything within 20 feet of him
that's not nailed down...

is going to get sucked out.
ls it that powerful?
Are you sure?

Huh. Yeah, l'm sure.
As a mechanic in the Air Force,
l was being transferred
on a MATS plane.

At 20,000 feet,
one of the windows shattered.

The guy sitting next to it
was about 170 pounds.

He went through that space like
hamburger going down a disposal.

Right after him, coats, pillows,
blankets, cups, saucers...

yeah, l'm sure.
Takes about three seconds,
doesn't it?

PATRONl: Three, four, five.
Depends on the size of the hole.

Everything fogs up just
like that, and then, watch out.

That altitude,
you can't breathe,

so unless they get on oxygen
in 45 seconds, it's good-bye.

We'll turn back, but l'm
going to make a wide, slow turn.

That way, the passengers
might not notice.

Toronto Center,
this is Global two.

Seem to have a problem here.
Request clearance back
to Lincoln at a lower altitude.

Roger, Global two.
Turn left, heading 2-7-0.

Descend and maintain
flight level 2-8-0.

Are you declaring an emergency?
Possible emergency. We might
have a disturbed passenger.

There's no mistake.
He's in 23A.

-Fits the description perfectly.
-When did you see him?

When l was boarding
Mrs. Quonsett.

He's sitting right next to her.
Did you notice
the attaché case?

lt's on his lap,
and he won't put it down.

Ruth told me that when
she was serving the snacks,

he wouldn't use
the pull-down table.

He insisted on putting his tray
on top of his case.

Sounds as if that's
where he's got it.
