-The captain wants to see me?
-He doesn't like to wait.
MAN: Don't treat her
like a criminal.
GWEN: That's what she is.
[People talking]
Shoving an old lady
like that!
l've never seen the like.
[Knock on door]
VERNON: Mrs. Quonsett,
l'm Captain Demerest.
This is Captain Harris.
Would you come forward
as far as you can?
ADA: Oh, Captain--
GWEN: Please sit down,
Mrs. Quonsett.
l'm sorry to be
a trouble to you,
but l was going to New York
to visit my poor daughter--
ANSON: Why'd you
get on this flight?
ADA: Because
according to the schedule,
the next flight back from Rome
is to New York--your number 5--
and l thought they'd want
to get rid of me quickly,
so they'd put me on that plane.
VERNON: lf you help us,
l promise you,
you'll get to take trips
to New York, first class.
Oh. Thank you.
But how can l help?
Mrs. Quonsett, now,
whatever happened back there,
you can forget. That's not why
you were brought here.
Mrs. Quonsett,
l hope l didn't hurt you.
ADA: No, no...not much.
Are you frightened easily?
l get nervous sometimes,
but not as much as l used to.
When you get older, there isn't
a lot left to be frightened of.
Good. All right, now...
you listen very carefully.
C.B.: Global two,
this is Toronto Center.
Your position is 15 miles east
of Klineberg intersection.
Say altitude.
ANSON: Level at 2-8-0.
Request continued slow descent.
C.B.: Roger, Global two.
What altitude do you wish?
-Request flight level 2-1-0.
-Roger. Continue slow descent.
Maintain flight level 2-1-0.
Mel, l just talked
to the other commissioners,
and they all agree with me.
So as not to have more trouble
with Meadowood residents,