Conga leader, snow desk. Move.
Joe, this is Mel.
There's no more time.
Stop all engines. Get out.
Repeat. Stop all engines.
Mr. Patroni,
she won't take much more.
Well, anyway,
she's going to get it.
Joe, the plows are moving.
Shut down and hold on!
Joe Patroni, do you read me?
Joe, shut down!
COPlLOT: Don't you hear?
We have to shut down!
Can't hear a thing.
There's too much noise.
Hold on! We're going for broke.
The instruction book
said that was impossible.
That's one nice thing
about the 707.
lt can do everything but read.
Light up two-niner.
lnstructing aircraft
remove from runway two-niner.
-l'm inspecting for debris.
-Roger. Standing by.
Runway two-niner clear and open.
Global two, turn right,
heading 285.
Runway two-niner is now open.