This is the institution.
Please come at once!
They're trashing the place.
Come as quick as you can!
They've surrounded me.
l'm locked inside.
Okay. Fine!
Now, old friend. . .
. . .l'll push you to the window. . .
. . .and you'll tell them
the police are coming.
You haven't forgotten the saying,
about leading a decent life here.
That's why our mother's
gave birth to us in pain.
Don't laugh! Shut your damn mouth!
l'll show you. . .
Stop laughing!
Ouch, my foot!
l want my shoe back.
Oh my God.
l want my shoe back, it's in the house.
Let's get out of here.
lt would be best if we'd leave for good.
Why? Where would you go?
Running away! There's no sense in it!
You always were a coward.
Where would you go?
To the lava fields?
The cops would get us in two days.
Yeah, the cops.
Here you really have to raise hell
for the old pig to notice.
Whether we're good or bad,
the treatment is the same.