Are you asking me
to surrender my principles?
l am asking you to be the guardians of
the principles of science during my absence.
l am asking for a truce with your personal
convictions in an hour of public danger.
And you shall have it, Dr Zaius,
or l shall hit her again.
Let us have no violence, Cornelius.
- Now, l'm relying on you both.
- And we are counting on you too, Doctor.
lf l should fail to return from the unknown,
the whole future of our civilization
may be yours to preserve - or destroy.
So think well before you act.
Well, goodbye, Dr Zaius, and good luck.
Now we can finish this up
and get you out of here!
Yeah, get me outta here, please!
l've seen the humane way they treat
humans here. l don't much care for it.
- Have you a horse?
- Yeah, out in the scrub.
l'd better get you another set of clothes.
The kind fit for humans like yourself.
You'll pass. Get rid ofthis.
And this too.
lf you are caught by the gorillas,
you must remember one thing.
- What's that?
- Never to speak.
What the hell would l have to say to a gorilla?
But you don't understand.
Only apes can speak. Not her, and not you.
lf they catch you speaking, they will dissect
you, and they will kill you, in that order.
Cornelius is right. Be very careful.
And get out ofthose things
that you're wearing as soon as you can.
Thank us by finding Taylor.
Yeah, if he's still alive.