
All right, Number 3. Be careful not to hit
our storehouses at the end of the field.

Direct hit on the mess hall, if you please.
And Number 3...
Hold on, Number 3.
Yossarian, get off the field.
Take cover, Yossarian. You, too,
Dobbs. Right, Number 3, let 'em go.

Bastards! Get out of there!
Yossarian, cut that out; those are our
men you're shooting at. Take cover.

This is an M&M Enterprises operation.
Number 4 and 5, Number 3
did not get those supply sheds.

I told you men to come in low.
Let's get right on target this time.

Shoddy work will not do.
What are you doing, Yossarian?
Get off the field!

I want to see you later. You're confined
to the base. I won't forget this.

- The Air Force won't forget about this.
- Don't be ridiculous!

What's good for M&M
is good for the Air Force.

- There goes the bomb dump!
- We had to get rid of that cotton.

The Germans promised to take it off
our hands if we ran this mission for them.

- It's all part of the deal.
- There goes the Officers' Club!

You made a deal with the Germans?
A contract is a contract.
That's what we're fighting for.

Lieutenant Minderbinder speaking.
Will you clear the field, please?

Following this bomb run,
we will begin to strafe.

- Strafe?!
- It's all part of the contract.

There goes Headquarters!
