What is it?
Look at this.
Cotton from inside
the meat truck.
It ain't drugstore cotton.
What is it?
It's raw,
unprocessed cotton,
like from a bale.
Ah. It's a long time
since I seen cotton like that.
Digger, you ain't never
seen no raw cotton before.
You was born and raised right
here in new york, just like me.
What the hell
are you two doing here?
Digger found
a hidden drop slot.
This was in it.
It's full of trash.
The syndicate.
When o'malley was with 'em, he
talked, and they threatened to get him.
Why'd they wait?
White guns comin' up here,
trying to knock off
reverend o'malley, you think?
Could be.
Blacks find out about this,
there'll be hell to pay.
I want round the clock police
protection for reverend o'malley.
To hell with o'malley!
What about the $87,000
of poor black folks' money
that he stole from all
over this country? Stole?
That's right. Stole!
We ran a check on
o'malley's entire operation.
It's clean.
Absolutely legitimate.
Full clearance from
the state department,
securities exchange
the attorney general of the state
of new york. What else do you want?
What the hell does the attorney
general, the state department,
or even the president
of the united states know
about one goddamned thing that's
going on up here in harlem?
Ed o'malley's respected by
responsible people. Respect, my ass!
Pastors, race leaders,
not to mention the large following
he has among black folk everywhere.
Black folk need hope
like everybody else.
What is it
with you people?
One of you like reverend
o'malley tries to do something,
does anybody try to help him? Hell no!
You're after him
like crabs in a basket.
Uh, how many shares of the back to
africa, inc. Would you buy, captain?
That's impertinent.
The hell it is!
One more word out of you, and
I'll run you right off the lot.
We've been trying to teach
white folks all our lives.
School's over.
Let's go look for lo boy
at junkies' paradise.