Ed: That damn bryce
chewin' my ass out.
Dumb anderson
didn't say a word.
Well, he's got his own
mortgage to worry about.
I oughta quit this job.
All right, now,
suppose you do quit.
Suppose you tell 'em to
take the badge and shove it.
Who's gonna
pay your mortgage?
Not me, baby.
You quit, I quit.
Then who'll protect the black
folks from the white folks?
Who's gonna protect the
black folks from themselves?
I'm sick of this. Gotta be at
death's door. I'm tired of this jazz.
God damn.
When did you turn japanese?
Come on.
You know the position.
Come on,
spread your legs back.
got it together.
We plan
to keep it that way.
This ain't no shooting gallery
no more. This is swahili class.
So why don't you guys
take your business and split?
Io boy.
Early riser's partner.
We want him.
Is he on swahili, too?
If that's who you want,
why don't you check reba's?
Where'd you learn them
dirty swahili words?
Ask your mama.
How long you gonna
keep this up, copper?
Till it's over, sister.
It's been 4 hours now, and I'm
just sick of lookin' at you.
You are really
one ugly child.
I mean,
it's really too bad
'cause, um...