ain't never
goin' out of style.
Uncle tom is what they are.
My dance has got to say
something about my people.
Black people!
We've got to set our
people's minds to thinkin'.
Get our own
black thing together.
Billie, you have
to lend me a dress.
A dress? What the hell you doing here?
Helping billie with
her new dance routine.
What happened at the rally?
And where's deke?
I don't know.
Didn't he call you?
What you mean,
you don't know?
Don't lie to me, barry.
Look, I'm not lying.
I don't know where he is.
Oh, just get the hell on
out of here.
I don't need you to help me
to find deke. Damn.
You must've left off
in a big hurry.
Yeah. You should've seen
the other guy.
Billie, help me to find
a dress and quick. Quick.
Reverend o'malley.
Oh. Oh.
I'm sorry. I... put my shirt
in the sink to be washed.
I apologize. I...
had to use one of
your husband's robes.
what did you find out?
I went over to the church
like you told me,
and I saw these
two white men.
Yes. I got close enough to listen,
and I found out that they were offering
a reward to anyone for bale of cotton.
Bale of cotton?
Now, what would a bale of
cotton be doing in harlem?
Bale of cotton.
A bale of cotton.
Is something wrong,
A bale of cotton.
Well, I'll be damned!
We have got to find out
what's happened, sister mabel.
And surely, brother john
would want you to help me.