How the hell
would you ever know
what's happening
in harlem, caspar?
'Cause anything
that is happenin'...
I'm the guy that's
makin' it happen.
And don't you forget it.
Stop trying to play
big man, caspar.
Well, don't think
it ain't been charmin',
but, uh, I promised
these little ladies
I'd take 'em
for a little ride.
Uh, I would look upon it kindly
if you let the little ladies go
and took me up
to italian harlem
to your
white mafia boss man.
I said
moo goo gai pan.
You call this
moo goo gai pan?
Never mind that.
Get it out of here.
And tell sam to
fix it for me personally.
Thank you, brother caspar.
Oh, sit right down
next to the throne of grace.
Sure. Ain't you boys
"the man"?
Oh, someday, maybe,
when caspar gets balls enough
to run you out of harlem.
But right now
you're the man.
Piano, piano.
How's about a little lump
sum of food all around, hmm?
Little tea?
They think
we hit o'malley.
Knock off a colored rally
and start a race riot, maybe?
Are you crazy?
You had it in for o'malley. Deke?
I liked the boy.
Always have.