The white fox?
He left tracks
across my behind.
The black fox?
Body count is 6,
To steal junk,
I can understand.
A man is desperate,
he needs the money.
But to kill for junk?
I don't get it.
Don't be a boy scout,
A lot of people get killed
every day up here for nothing.
What could be here that anyone
could possibly want that badly?
Seen any cotton
around here lately?
A bale of cotton, sure.
Uncle budd brought over
a bale of cotton.
I bought it from him
for $25.
Where is it now?
What happened to it?
He came back later,
he bought it back
from me for $30.
He hauled it away.
Wait a minute.
He brought it in and then
he brung it out again?
It don't add up,
That's what happened.
Hauled it away where?
He didn't say.