Cotton Comes to Harlem

Put out a reader
on uncle budd.

Come on, digger.
To kill for junk.
Well! Did you find it?
What do we got here,
an outraged citizen?

Oh, reverend

Did you find the man who
stole my people's money?

What were you doing at the junkyard
this hour of the night, reverend?

Holding a revival meeting?
He was white,
whoever he was.

You know the man?
What do you mean,
do I know him?

What I mean, sir, is did
you ever meet the man before?

Oh, sure. Same one
who hijacked the rally.

Funny. All the guys
at the rally had on masks.

And, of course, you could
see right through the masks.

Unless, of course, you knew
that they were white in advance.

Have a cigarette.
Where'd you get that?
Mabel hill's apartment,
right where you left it.

That's police brutality.
No, brother.
cancer prevention.

Reverend o'malley, there are
6 dead bodies in the morgue.

All we're asking you to do is
- now, look!

How many times do I
have to tell you idiots?

We're only asking you to tell
us what you know. Now, look!

Easy, digger, easy.
Look, I am due in my pulpit
at 11:00 this morning,

and if I ain't there-
if my people were
to find out

that you had me locked up in this filthy,
pissy pigsty, there'll be all hell to pay!
What's that
supposed to mean?

Draw your own

And you can tell bryce, the
commissioner, and the mayor!

Reverend o'malley-
take me back
to my cell... honky!

You forgot your lighter.
Something else you forgot.
