
...who think more
of their pockets than their principles.

l am leaving because we have a king
who taxes the rich beyond its means...

...and steals land
from the poor to maintain...

...his lavish court
and his Catholic wife.

When Parliament objected
against these injustices...

...he closed his Parliament down.
And our man dare not speak
his mind for fear of imprisonment.

Oh, yes.
All my life l believed it was God"s work
to fight against such tyranny.

But God has turned his back
upon this nation, and we are leaving it.

And what if Parliament
should be recalled, Mr. Cromwell?

-And why should a king do that?
-He needs money, Oliver.

-What? To build another palace?

To fight a war.
A war, John?
A war against whom?
The Scots have assembled
on our border.

They may invade us at any moment.
The king needs money
to raise an army.

By the king"s own decree, Parliament
has not sat these past 1 2 years.

-And now the king needs money.
-Once Parliament has assembled...

:06:15 will lie within our power
to change...

...the whole structure
of government in this country.

How many times
did we sit in Parliament?

How many resolutions did we pass?
And how many times did
this king overrule us?

The king can have
his war with Scotland.

-We will be in America.
-There will be a war...

-...but it will not be with Scotland.

-With whom, Mr. lreton?
-We"ve argued this matter many times.

l am convinced.
-A war against whom, Mr. lreton?
-Against the king, sir.

The king?
You mean a civil war? ln England?
You know not the ways of this nation.
Such things do not happen here.
