Might l be heard? l say this
House is resolved that we"ll vote....
Welcome back to Parliament.
No money for the king!
Order! Order!
Neither will we take up arms against
our Scottish brethren, unless....
Unless this Parliament is allowed
to function...
...as the true voice
of the people of England.
And not as a gathering
of lackeys to the king.
Sir Edward Hyde, Your Majesty.
-Well, Sir Edward?
-Your Majesty.
l believe the House will grant a loan
to the Crown.
But only on certain conditions.
What do you mean, conditions?
What are these conditions, Sir Edward?
ln essence, sire...
...that the Crown relinquishes
all authority over Parliament.
And who put forward this proposal?
John Pym, Henry lreton,
John Hampden.
The Puritans.
-They were well supported, my lord.
-And they call themselves Englishmen?
My God, it"s enough to make
a man deny his birthright.
Yet, withal, they still be Englishmen.
They make a mockery of the Crown!
They abuse the privilege of
free speech with sedition and treason.
You"re too loud, Lord Strafford.
lt is most unpleasant to the ear.