l see that the birds have flown.
Mr. Speaker,
where are these gentlemen?
May it please Your Majesty...
...l have neither eyes to see
nor tongue to speak...
...except as this House gives me leave.
Well, sir, l have eyes.
l see that one of them is here.
Take him!
Any action against a member
of this House is a breach of privilege.
l move this House declares
as public enemies...
...any who lay hands upon its members.
And l further move....
l move that action against this House...
...be considered
a crime against the people.
And treason against this nation.
So be it.
Mr. Speaker, you will inform
the members of this House...
...that their presence
is no longer required by the nation.
This Parliament is, by my authority,
terminated. Dissolved.
Your Majesty!
Are you aware that by your action
in this House...
...you may have pushed this nation
to the brink of civil war?