
-The Lord"s work--
-This is no place for you, Hugh...

-...though you be welcome.
-l"ve consulted God on this matter.

l asked him,
"" Lord, whose side are you on?""

And he answered me, saying,
""On the side of truth and justice.""

So here l am.
Company, forward!
Lift up your heads ye gates of brass
Ye bars of iron yield
And let the king of glory
Pass the crosses in the field
That banner brighter
Than the star that leaves a trail of light
Greetings, Uncle.
"Tis a fair day for a fight.
Where be the enemy?

My lords, l present my nephew.
His Highness, Prince Rupert,
Count Palatine of the Rhine.

-My lords, l give you greetings.
-Your Highness.

And good Cousin Charles,
most noble Prince of Wales.

-How fare you, young sir?
-l"m well, thank you, cousin.

So, let us to action.
For l do swear by this sword...

...within a week we"ll have severed
every round head from its shoulders!

-Well said, Your Highness.
-Let the standard be raised.
