...fight for us
that we may glorify thee.""
O Lord, God of mercy.
Put thy strength in our hands this day.
Give not the battle to the strong,
but to the righteous.
And be thou, O merciful God,
our saviour and mighty deliverer.
Defend me from them that rise up
against me.
-ln the name of Jesus Christ.
Father, look. lt"s Lord Essex.
Come, cousin.
Let"s take a good look
at these Roundheads. Your Majesty.
God"s teeth, have we not parleyed
enough these past months?
-Well, Essex, are you prepared?
-We are. Shall we begin at 1 0?
Make it 9, my lord.
l"m positively starving.
Then in God"s name, let"s to it.
-lt"s agreed then, 9:00.
-And by my faith, which l have not...
...l swear that within the hour, this field
will be strewn with English dead.
lf this be so, they will have
been killed by Englishmen.
For we have not seen fit to import
foreign mercenaries into our ranks.
l will mark you well for that insult, sir.
Be on your guard!
Colours to the rear!
Colours to the rear!