Bristol will not be permitted to fall.
lt"s our only seaport in the west.
lf General Goring"s
incapable of holding it...
...l"ll dispatch someone who can.
l"ve a mind to see Bristol, my lord.
"Tis a fair city, l hear.
Then l place Bristol in your command,
nephew. Should our forces--
-Your Majesty.
News of Cromwell"s army,
Your Majesty.
-Come forward.
-At last, Old lronsides ventures forth.
-Well, speak, man.
-They"re six miles away, Your Majesty.
Just south of Naseby.
By my reckoning, there be
about 1 000 horse and 2000 afoot.
-And what news of Manchester"s army?
-l saw no other army, Your Majesty.
Was not Cromwell to join
Manchester"s forces at Naseby?
-That was our intelligence.
-Manchester"s still in Lincoln.
So Cromwell comes
with his army of 3000 to our 7 000.
-By your leave, Uncle. Your Highness.
-General Astley, sound the alert.
l want every man in full battle order
at once.
By God, we have him!
Where in the name of Christ is he?
Know you not we are at war?
ln God"s name l do swear
we fight this war single-handed.
What bloody treachery is this?
We came to meet Manchester
and instead we find the king"s army.
Well, l shall take on the king.
And after that if needs must,
l"ll take on Manchester as well!