Before you stands the enemy,
his three to every one of us.
And where, in God"s name,
is Manchester?
My Lord Manchester will rue the day
he has not joined us here.
And now to your positions.
These tactics we have practiced
these past six months...
...now let us put them to the test.
For upon this field of Naseby,
we"ll turn the tide of this unhappy war.
God be with you all.
ls this wise, Oliver?
We"re heavily outnumbered.
Was not Gideon outnumbered
by the Amalekites?
lt is not numbers that count,
but speed and surprise.
Let no man move, except upon
the word of his commander!
Though we be outnumbered,
we shall win this battle!
l promise you!
So now put your faith in God
and keep your powder dry.