l will not countenance defeat.
Rather than abandon
my kingdom to Parliament...
...l would come to terms
with the devil himself.
Since you came
to the throne, Your Majesty...
...your armies have persistently
persecuted our Church in lreland.
And yet, now that your need is great,
you turn to us for help.
The king"s actions in lreland,
Your Excellency...
...will seem as nothing should
these Puritans come to power.
lt is not only the Crown of England
that is in peril, Excellency...
...all institutions of established order...
...throughout the countries
of Europe are threatened.
An lrish army of 20,000 men,
even 1 5,000...
...would forestall such a threat...
...and bring this wretched war
to a speedy end.
l am instructed to say
that His Holiness...
...would permit an lrish force
to take up arms in this country.
But there are certain conditions.
First, the Catholic Church in lreland
must be completely restored...
...and permitted to practice freely
without interference or oppression.
Secondly, all Protestant churches
in lreland must be closed...
...and all Protestant bishops
and ministers removed from office.
Oh, there are one or two other
minor conditions of little consequence.
What you demand, Excellency,
would be a betrayal...
...of my coronation oath
as head of the English Church.
You have a duty, Charles, to the Crown.
For without that,
you will be head of nothing!
May l tell His Holiness
that you will agree to these conditions?
You have something to say,
Sir Edward?