
You make a knave of your king.
My lord...
...we were besieged on all sides.
Our men were foot-weary from battle,
ailing with plague and sickness.

Yet you contrived
to escape with your life.

l have brought you an army, my lord.
An army 2000 strong, ready
and willing to fight on for their king!

ln exchange for all the corn and stores
you held in Bristol and 200 cannon.

-That was the price of your freedom.
-l did what l considered to be right!

You deserted your command, sir.
l made a military decision.
A decision that may have
cost us this war.

Your action in this matter
is of such affliction to me, sir...

...that it is the greatest trial
that has yet befallen me.

My conclusion is...
:33:14 desire you to seek subsistence
elsewhere, not in my kingdom.

Most gracious lord...
...l do not crave forgiveness,
for by all l hold most dear...

...l do solemnly swear
that l acted in good faith!

The matter is at an end.
l will hear no more.

My lord!
My lord, l beseech you.
ln God"s name, allow that l may die
with honour. Condemn me not to live.

Captain Lundsford.
Do not put upon these shoulders the
terrible shame of exile and dishonour.

l beg you, take my life,
most noble lord.
