l believe, my Lord Manchester,
that now l have the majority.
This is dictatorship.
lt will mean a new civil war.
Honourable members...
...l swear before my God
that you give me no alternative.
When those liberties for which
this army and this nation...
...have fought so hard
are most solemnly guaranteed...
...then this army will stand down.
And upon that,
you have my most sacred promise.
-And who have we here?
-lt is l, my lord.
You were supposed to have run,
not let me catch you.
l"m afraid l"m getting a little too old
for such games, my lord.
Cromwell is here to see you.
You must play on your own
now, children.
Your father has other games to play.
Prince Henry, you will be good enough
to give me back my hat.
Gentlemen, His Majesty.