We came to present our terms, my lord.
lf Your Majesty will be so kind
as to study these proposals.
-Has Parliament approved this treaty?
-Parliament no longer truly...
...represents the people of this nation,
Sir Edward.
And you, Mr. Cromwell...
...do you truly represent
the people of this nation?
l represent the army, sir...
...and the army is the heart
and conscience of the people.
So having failed to come
to terms with Parliament...
...you would now negotiate
with the king.
l am not bound
to negotiate with anyone.
With 50,000 men under my command...
...l could impose a government
on this nation overnight.
One is given to wondering,
Mr. Cromwell, why you do not do that.
l am convinced, my lord,
it be the duty of Parliament...
...to frame a constitutional government,
and not the army.
Then l do not see that
you have any need of me at all.
On the contrary, sir.
An England without a king
is unthinkable.
But withal, a king
that can command respect...
...a monarch who governs,
not from fear...
...but by the affection of a free people.
Such a king could reunite
this great nation of ours...
...and make the name of England
the noblest in all Christendom.
Should you adorn
that inheritance, my lord...
...all Englishmen would be proud
to call you king.
Mr. Cromwell, l do confess that
l did greatly misjudge you...
...for l did mark you
as an ambitious man.
To these ends, my lord,
l am ambitious.
Then you have my respect, sir.
Thank you, my lord.
-We shall return in the morning, sir.
-l shall require a little longer to study...
...this document. Perhaps a week.
As Your Majesty pleases.