...not worthy of the title,
king of England.
Colonel Harrison!
l will have this king"s head...
...aye, and the crown upon it.
This obstinate king,
this man of blood...
...whose heart God has hardened,
can no longer be trusted...
...for in prodigious treason,
he has revealed himself to be a traitor.
A man of no honour.
A man unfitted to bear the title,
king of England.
Hear, hear.
l demand, therefore,
in the name of the army...
...and the people of this nation
that Charles l, king of England...
...be brought hence to stand trial
for his life on a charge of treason.
Oyez, oyez, oyez.
All manner of persons...
...having anything to do
with this court...
...come forward
and give your attendance.
Every man to keep silence
upon pain of imprisonment.
God save the king.