And they stripped him
and put on him a scarlet robe.
And when they had platted a crown
of thorns, they put it upon his head.
They bowed before him
and mocked him...
...saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!"
and they spit--""
-Your Majesty.
-ls it time?
No, Your Majesty. Her Royal Highness,
the Princess Elizabeth...
...and his Royal Highness,
Prince Henry.
Elizabeth, sweetheart.
Don"t grieve for me.
Now, both of you...
...mark what l say.
They will cut off thy father"s head.
There now.
Henry, pay careful attention
to what l say.
You must not let them make you king.
Not while your brother Charles
is still alive.
-l would be torn to pieces first.
-That"s my son.
Today, your brother will be king.
Elizabeth, now.
lt"s a glorious death to which l go.
Tell your mother...
...that my love for her
was the same to the last.
And remember me in your prayers.
-The king"s escort, Your Majesty.
-Thank you.