lt was not for power that we did this.
Have you not understood that yet?
Now, lreton, mark me,
and mark me well.
That you be hard-set upon courses
has not escaped me...
...and if you seek to use me
towards such ends...
...though l love you like a brother,
l swear, l will destroy you.
Every freeborn Englishman be he
the lowest of the lowest...
...is entitled to a voice
in the governing of this country.
But there is no vote for the poor,
for the underprivileged...
...no vote for all those
who took up arms...
...to put down the very autocracy that
this Parliament now imposes upon us.
You did not vote this Parliament
into office.
This gaggle of buffoons, these villains!
Much has been said in this House
about the so-called inequity...
...of certain members being financially
involved in national projects.
Members have ascribed to this state
of affairs dark and sinister motives.
l say if we in Parliament
cannot gain from ruling the country...
...there"s really very little point
in our being here at all.
No member of this House should be
permitted to profit from office.
Hear! Hear!
lf this House knew its duty,
it would terminate...
...and let a new Parliament be elected.
-Gentlemen, l move that this House...
...be given power to remain in office a
further three years without re-election.
A committee of inquiry should be set
up to investigate...
...the financial involvement
of certain members.