
lnstead of uniting the good people
of this nation...

...with righteousness and peace...
...which would have been a glorious
and Christian thing to have done...

...what do l find?
Anarchy, corruption...
...division and dissatisfaction.
l say that the enemies of this nation...
...have flourished
under your protection.

You were from the beginning
a provisional government...

...not truly representative
of the people.

For have the people elected you?
Has this House gone once
to the people it purports to represent?

No, it has not! And after six years
of misgovernment, what do we find?

Sir Thomas Fairfax moves a bill
to give this House a further lease...

...of its worthless
and dishonourable life!

Gentlemen, an immovable Parliament
is more obnoxious...

...than an immovable king!
You are drunkards, tricksters,
villains, whoremasters...

...godless, self-seeking,
ambitious tricksters.

You are no more capable of conducting
the nation"s affairs...

...than you are of running a brothel!
You are scum, sir.
And not truly elected scum at that.

This is no Parliament.
l shall put an end to it.

l hereby declare this Parliament

-Colonel Harrison!
-Yes, sir. Troops forward!

