Cry of the Banshee

Why, no. I've had it since I can remember.
It must be centuries old.
What does this lettering mean?
I don't know.
But surely your parents...
they must have tied it there.
I have no parents.
Thank ye from saving us from the dog, sir.
Come along. You're all right now, my dear.
We live again.
The only power I recognize
is that of our Lord, Mistress Maureen.

So that dog couldn't be bewitched.
It couldn't be fulfilling this curse.

Only children, or the simplest villager,
could possibly think so.

I hear it didn't look so heathen
once Roderick tamed it.

It slunk away with its tail between its legs.
But about Roderick...
where does he get his power over animals?
It strikes you strange?
Strikes me fortunate
for that little girl and the witch.

That medallion he wears...
If you're curious,
you'd best ask him yourself.

I did.
He doesn't know where it comes from
or what it means.

Or so he claimed.
You think him a liar?
You suspect him of witchcraft.
Roderick's no more a sorcerer than I am.
We're all safe with him...
and care nothing of who he is
or where he comes from.

I understand.
Do you?
Then you best treat it
as you would the most sacred confession.

He threw her down upon the bank
and used her as he would

The maiden cried, "Alas," she sighed
"I've lost my maidenhood"
And she struggled slowly to her feet
And cursed him for his life
Then from his belt upon the ground
