- Roderick!
- Here, my lord.
It's the dog!
It's bewitched!
It's a demon!
"Deliver me from all my offenses.
"Thou, Lord, what is my hope?
"Truly, my hope is hidden in thee.
"It is an evil retribution.
"But it was pain and grief to me.
"My heart was hot within me.
"While I was thus musing, the fire kindled...
"and at the last, I spake.
"Fear the Lord, let him be praised.
"Lord, let me know mine end...
"and the number of my days."
Father, do you think that...
that dog is bewitched,
as the villagers believe?
I suppose you know we're cursed
from hell to Christmas, we Whitmans.
What if there is a power
that we know nothing of?