Domicile conjugal

We'd stick a flower in ink...
it'd turn black or blue
lt was so messy we'd get hell!
They're turning red now
They're going to ban those products
l heard it on TV
What the hell for?
because of water pollution!
Shaving cream, too
From now on, only electric razors!
Look how red they are!
That was quick!
My immersion-heater...
There's one that stays white...

Yes... and l don't know why
How's the artist?
Damn it, Ginette!
l pay you to work for me!
Know what l did?
Bought new pajamas
But l only kept the top
What do you say to that?
Not a thing!
You want an engraved invitation?
The flowers are here...
The blue are now red!
No... vice-versa!
lt's an old story. l said...
''Mme Fournier, be nice...''
''My radio doesn't bother anyone''
She says: ''So, sue me!''
After all, l pay big taxes, right?

She just makes buttonholes!
l should have sued her then...
10 years ago !
lf l had it to do over...
They turned red!
You should go into business
for yourself

Hurry up!
