Domicile conjugal

What do l dial to find out the time?
Odéon 84-00
Cochin Hospital?
Sorry, wrong number!
l got a hospital!
Dial the hospital
and see what you get

How's the letter?
Almost finished
Can l read it?
''Thanks for getting us,
in one week...''

''what others wait years for!''
You can't send that!
lt's true, isn't it?
He's Lucien's customer...
You can't do that!

l can't?.. Then you write him!
l will!
You're a selfish monster!

Everybody has to help you!
l didn't ask for anything
l didn't want the damn telephone!
Because friends might call us?

What if we're bored?
l don't know what boredom is!
l know some people get bored...
but l don't know what it means!
There's always something to do...
cut the pages of a book...
do crossword puzzles, take notes...
always something to do!

l'd like a 30-hour day...
because l'm never bored!

l wish l were 60...
l'd only need 5 hours sleep!
l'm going to the toilet!
Going to school?
Aren't you on strike?

You're an early bird...
- lt's cold...
- Want a set of keys?

Anyway, they're right here
Give me a hand...
Get a move on, Marcel!
No more noise?
They're plastic...
