the Common Market, in Brussels
''Afterwards, in their rooms...''
''each delegate found...''
''a sensuous call-girl awaiting him!''
lt's true!
lmagine... in Le Monde!
''each delegate found...''
''a sensuous call-girl awaiting him!''
lt's not true!
Read it yourself
''each delegate found a sumptuous...''
''collation awaiting him!''
You liar!
Lights out
Got you, huh?
Got to tell you something tomorrow
Why not now?
You couldn't sleep
l bought some
A new brand
Damn! There's a guy l know
Owes me money.
He'll be embarrassed...
l owe you 30 francs, right?
You lend me 20 more...
you get the 50 back all at once
Well, so long...
Where's your violin?