Giardino dei Finzi-Contini, Il

What's your thesis on?
It will deal with the poetry
of Enrico Panzacchi.

Fine choice. Very interesting.
One of Carducci's school.
I think you’ll find we have
everything the library has...

though we're more selective.
The major works are all here.
Thank you.
Is it true you have
some unpublished works by Carducci?

I'll show them to you one day.
I'm in there.
If you need anything--
coffee, lemonade...

a bit of advice--
just call me.

- They're lucky!
- Who?

The private pupils.
They're easy to spot.
They're different.

What's happening in Ferrara?
Whom do you see?
When am I coming back?
Tomorrow, if I could.

I must finish my thesis first.
Surely by Passover.
When is it this year?

No, I can't any sooner.
It's like a century
since I saw you.
