Hi, Mom!

Go on, get out from in here.
Pervert. Leave him alone.
Who knows where he's been.

She looks inhibited, right?
You know why she looks inhibited?
She hasn't had the right direction.

She has not been told
who she is in this film.

That girl does not
want to screw anybody.

She wants to screw the man of her life,
so who do they put her in with, huh?

Some weirdo with gold hair.
Yeah, that's funny, huh?
What's gonna happen when her mother
sees that picture, know what I mean?

Kids should grow up with a feeling
of beauty about their bodies, right?

I mean, my little boy,
my 6-year-old boy,

walks around with a towel
around him all the time.

I mean, why is that, huh?
I don't see my daughter doing that.
That's all right. He means well.
This man is obviously
somebody who needs a movie.

But not this movie.
If it were this movie,
he wouldn't be doing this to me.

He wouldn't be
putting his hands on my balls.

Now, you want to make a film
for me, you've got to have a property.

Kid, kid, this is real estate.
What is this?
Is this gonna sell movies?

This is gonna sell movies,
a tall building?

So what? So that's a phallic symbol.
I know what that is.

- No, it's not.
- You trying to teach me something?

A tall building? Listen,
I used to watch Superman

when I was a little kid, too,
you know what I mean?

You're not gonna teach me
anything new with just a tall building.

The reason I've come to see you
is because I know that
you're a good producer...

Take a look at that top floor.
- Who took this picture?
- I took these pictures.

You know what you've got
on that top floor?

The top floor is an old woman.
That's not an interesting picture.

- An old woman?
- Yes! No, no!

You'd better have
your eyes checked, kid.

Look what he's showing me.
Look what's gonna sell money, right?

You got the right idea.
You like titties, right?

- Right?
- Yeah.

You'll buy this before you'll
buy that picture, won't you?

- I'll show you something.
- Go on, show him something.

Go on,
see if you can make a sale.

- You see, these are four windows.
- It's gorgeous, isn't it?

You could really go home
and jerk off to that, couldn't you?

Wait a minute, Mr. Banner!
You could really go home and put
your thing right through the window.

These are the most interesting windows
of this side of the building.

There are 270 windows.
- I'm taking your word for that?
- Yes.

Now, what I have, see,
I have this telescope here, see?
