I've got this telescope,
and I get the activities of all these...
the secretaries, the revolutionary,
the hippy... young hippies...
this playboy down here, and then
up there, you've got a housewife.
That's what I don't understand.
How do you know they live there?
How do I know they live there?
I've been watching them.
I have all the photographs.
I have all the film, the 8mm film.
And then I've got this telescope,
you see, and I do this.
And you set it up here,
and, you know,
it's what I call "peep" art,
and I think it's fantastic,
because you get
all these private moments.
You get all these people together,
and they don't know
they're being watched.
Its not like in those photographs
in that bookstore,
but these are real activities.
You think people are stupid?
You think people are stupid?
You think people don't know
when they're being watched?
No, they don't know.
You think I don't know
that you're watching me now?
The only compromise in this
is when someone pulls the blinds.
- Why don't you look?
- I'm gonna see what you see, right?
Look on the 16th floor.
You think people don't know
when they're being watched, right?
Mr. Banner, can I just...
Don't "Mr. Banner" me.
You're getting me nervous.
- All right, now, look in that window.
- Call me Joe.
- What?
- Oh, there she is.
Go ahead, look, look.
Just watch, watch.
- Can you see her?
- Hey, hey!
I see, like, a very funny broad
with a red towel, right?
Right, right, right, right.
Now, you like it.
I'm glad you like it.
- What's your name? Jon, right?
- Jon, right.
280 windows.
Confessions of a Peeping Jon.
Oh, yeah, well, that's...
- That's what?
- Okay, okay.
- You patronizing me?
- No. You gonna give me the money?
You putting up with me?
I'm putting up with you.
- You don't have to put up with me.
- I'm not putting up with you!
I'm just saying,
give me the money, and I'll do it.
I told you, I'm scared of heights.
I'm nervous up here.
You need a lens.
I like the idea. It's a good idea.
It's a good idea, kid.
It's a good idea.
Too bad you don't have a lens.
You need a lens! What, are you
gonna work with that piece of crap?
What are you doing
to my equipment?
I'm waiting for her to take off...
I could see her from here better!
- Look at this!
- Well, I know I need a lens.
You see these? These are
$12 prescription glasses.
I can see probably clearer.
Look at that.
I have no trouble now seeing her.
I'll get you a lens from Harry.
You go down to Harry,
he'll send you to ABC Camera,
you go down, you get the lens,
you get the works.
- You will?
- You better deliver.
I will, I promise!