Hi, Mom!

I think I have a good idea
what you're talking about.

Yeah, well, I'll tell you
what I'm talking about, man.

You got stuff in this store
that is the shoddiest merchandise
I've ever seen.

You have committed your life,
you have made it your life's work
to suck in
the poorest people in this town

and sell them
the shoddiest trash I've ever seen

for the most blown-up,
exorbitant prices

I could ever have expected
to see anywhere.

You are a pillar in the system
that is oppressing the black people
and all the poor people in the world,
no matter what color they are, man!

Do you realize that?
Are you aware of that at all?

I'm aware of everything, but I'm really
surprised you're even talking this way.

You notice our prices
that we charge over here?

Do you know what we sell over here?
- Incredibly over...
- We are the cheapest.

We are the cheapest.
We defy anyone
to undersell our prices!

We give everything away.
But you're being a tool, mister!
I'm being used? I'm being used?
For what price?

You being used
to suck in people, mister.

Man, you got
the wrong impression.

No, I ain't, because you tell people
to buy this garbage, mister!

I tell people to buy this garbage.
You know why?

Because... because...
because I'm being paid!

You tell Puerto Rican people,
you tell crackers, you tell black people...

Well, nobody's twisting their arm
to walk in that door!

Nobody's twisting you to stand
out here and sell this bullshit!

For a price! For a price, man!
That means you done
sold yourself, right?

I ain't sold myself!
It's a matter of opinion!

But that's what you're doing, right?
Telling people to buy this garbage!

That's your opinion!
- That's what it is!
- Well, I'll tell you what...

...get a police
and have me arrested!

No, no, brother, I want to appeal to you.
I don't want to get no police on you.

- Why you want to appeal to me?
- Because you a black man!

You damn right!
"There's just nothing you can do.
It's uncanny, but there's
nothing you can do."

I'll start crying there.
That'll take about three...
I'll give myself three minutes
