You haven't been in the Army
in high school.
What? What did you say,
young lady?
"Make love, not war"?
Listen, I make love very well.
What do you know about love?
What do you know about war?
Well, you want
a good slap in the face, huh?
You won't even wear
a goddamn brassiere, you little slut.
Goddamn bitch. What?
What'd you say?
What are you gonna do about it?
Listen, son, I happen to know
that you don't have a permit here,
so I'm gonna tell you something...
You just touch my bat?
You touched my bat?
Come on, come out!
Gimme it! Come on!
Listen, people, we want to
take you through the black experience,
and you all know that
being black means being loose.
- Being what?
- Being black means being loose.
And that's part of our history,
and what we want to do
is kind of loosen you up,
to more or less prepare you
for the experience that
we're about to take you through.
Okay, now, feel down
the arms to the hands.
Slowly. You know.
We're gonna not rush anything.
Touching the hands.
Keep your arms clear.
Feel anything? Are you aware
of any differences?
You know...?
- He's got a scar.
- A scar!
- Carolyn is wearing her ring.
- I'm sorry!
...then to the neck,
and then to the hair.
You feel any differences now?
No, not the head.
Just feel the hair.
- So this is a natural?
- Yes, it's very natural.
It's very...
it's sort of springy, isn't it?
Like a sponge.
- It's like a sponge.
- It's like angel food cake.
- Is anyone else...?
- I had expected steel wool...