Hi, Mom!

I'm not gonna go in there,
that's for sure.

- Well, that's, you know...
- All right.

Where's the theat...?
Well, where's he gonna be?

Well, he'll meet you
after the performance.

Hey, lady!
You, come up here.
I'm talking to you.
I said get up here.

Go ahead.
Yeah, the one with
the stupid look on her face.

Yeah, in the green coat.
You, Miss Blondie. Get up here.
- I'd like my purse back.
- She's not a blonde!

She's a nigger with blonde hair.
Get the fuck up here, lady.

Get up here, now! You hear?
- What the hell is going on here?
- Shut up, mister.

- Hey, take it easy.
- Are you kidding or something?

I don't want you
to talk to me like that.

I didn't ask you nothing.
I said get up here.

Now, I want all of you up here now,
'cause we're gonna go through

something that you been
waiting for, niggers.

I'd like to go to the theater.
Yeah, I think you want to go.
Now, get up here!

All of you, get up here!
Okay, mother fuckers, move! Now!
Oh, my God,
I think he's got a gun!

That's right, it's a gun and it kills.
Now, move!
Come on, fatso, move!
You still think
that guy was a plant?

You stand over here, lady.
Stand over there.

Now, all of you get up here.
You gonna follow a little routine here.

I know you're gonna like it.
Get on up here. All you niggers
like to do what I got in mind.

Get up here. All of you.
Get the fuck over there.

Get up...
I said get up here!

Don't give me no hard time!
Which one you want, huh?
Let's see... the blackest one.
Take any nigger you want.
I'll take the one
with the sunglasses on.

Take this nigger over here.
I don't care. Hey, man.
Hey, baby, which one you want?

Hey, man, which one you want?
Come on!
All right, take anyone you want.
We're gonna go through
a little screwing scene here.

We know all you niggers
know how to screw, right?

Hey, baby, lay down
on the fucking mattress, man.

I said lay down
on the mattress, mister.

This is ridiculous.
Wait. You ain't going no place.
Stop this!
- Stop it!
- Stop it!
