Idon't know.
Towards himself...
because they supported him.
But it didn't last long.
They went crazy when
they heard he'd married.
They came to see us.
We were living near the Seine.
Charles had rented a typewriter.
We tried to sell stories.
While l was working.
We didn't find it awful.
But they did!
Our armchair was a bit torn.
His mother looked at it
expecting rats to come out.
Imended it.
they heard l'd been a dancer.
And they didn't like it?
They wanted us to divorce.
That went on 3 years.
We had little money,
but we were happy.
You were in love.
Well sure...
And l was pregnant.
Charles was happy.
He had found a job.
Then he fell ill.
He said it was stress...
l don't know.
His pals told him
it was stupid to have kids.
So he wrote his parents.
Nothing else to do.
He was ill and couldn't work.