You don't remember me at all?
Helen... isn't it?
Iseem to remember
your name, yes.
Ihaven't seen Charles for ages.
How is he?
He lives at his parents'.
I'm divorcing him.
Isee... Forgive me.
Those things happen.
What's the matter?
That's nothing.
Iunderwent an operation,
not long ago, up there...
Just got out of the hospital.
Why don't you go home?
l guess l must tell someone.
They say they removed everything,
but still...
...l have to
come back every other day.
Not very cheerful, is it?
Follow the treatment,
and you'll soon be all right.
Ilack pluck to live
a normal life again.
What do you do in life,
Mr. Thomas?
Several things.
But call me "Paul".
Where do you live?