I've got to finish
my work now.
I'm going, then.
Just half an hour...
Take your time.
Can't you open the window?
It stinks here.
There'll be a draught.
Put something on!
How long will it last?
You're not funny.
You don't have to worry.
You don't find anything?
Nothing to be found.
That girl is A.1.
She's a saint...
another Joan of Arc!
But l'm not discouraged.
Regnier doesn't care,
the old hypocrite!
Icould kill the girl...
...he'd wash his hands.
Aren't you crazy?
Can you figure me as a killer?
Listen, Sonia,
l'm not stupid, am I?
We can make our pile,
and l'll chance it.
I'm preparing
a shrewd scheme.
All l know is that l miss you.
Don't talk!
And listen to me.
I'll make her pass
for a dissolute girl.
The Pinelli girl is backward.
I'll prove that
Helen's debasing her.
You understand?
You must help me.
What will l do?
Can you reach
Bob and his gang?
Can you reach them?
Wait a minute...
Can you, yes or crap?
It's all about you!
Don't talk!
Shut up!