La Rupture

Ipromise it'll be done tonight.
Don't worry about the hearing.
Have her visit the house for 2 hours.
It surprised me too!
At 6pm...
We will succeed, Mr. Regnier!
That's some crazy idea!
Shut up and listen.
Everything has to be ready at 6:30.
We'll have 15 minutes maximum.
After that,
you call her up as l said.

And you say your stuff.
O.K., but tell me everything.
That's quite simple.
I'll offer to take her
to the airport.

The nit-wit will already
be in the car...

Both will be gorged with drugs.
Ifake an accident, put
Saint Helen at the wheel, and l scram.

Think of the scandal!
You're a smart guy!
Yes, l'm a smart guy.
